Join the Hype team! 🥳

Help us spread the word about Entwined & Ember to earn an art postcard.

Once you've shared the campaign 3-4 times complete this form.

Find resources like text and images you can share below.

The BEST ways to support the campaign. 🌿

These two approaches will have the biggest impact (way more than posting on social media.)

  1. Pledge early. (If you plan to back the campaign doing so in the first week has the biggest impact.)

  2. Tell a friend. (Sending the campaign link directly to a friend.)


The two best times are post are the first week (early September) and the final week (the end of September.)

There’s always a dip in the middle. I wrote more about this and other behind-the-scenes tips in my free course Crowdfunding 101.

Save this link!

Please link directly to Indiegogo when you can.

This book is for busy mums. make it easy for them.

Sharing a direct link makes it much easier to preorder. Let’s help those mums preorder the book before they have to make dinner or get chewing gum out of their kid’s hair.

We’re also mums. Make it easy for yourself.

I do this by setting up text replacement. You can also save the URL in your Notepad.

Try to include this link even when you are sharing someone else’s posts. It really does make a difference.

Join the blog tour 💫

If you have a blog (or Substack) you’re invited to join the blog tour.

  1. Write about creativity and motherhood.

  2. Share why Entwined is important to you.

  3. Use any of the images or videos below.

  4. Link directly to the campaign.

If you don’t have a blog you can also do this on social media or in your email newsletter. When you’re sharing your post be sure to tag me on Instagram or Substack (@sarahdshotts) so I can share it. Keep in mind that I won’t be on Instagram every day so if you post to IG stories send me a DM or I am likely to miss it.

MORE ways to support. 🍄

  1. Interact with social media posts (like, comment, save.) Even a string of emojis can help other people see the post.

  2. Share posts you see about Entwined on social media. (And link directly to the campaign when you can.)

  3. If you’re interested in chatting with one of the contributors on Instagram Live or your own podcast reach out ( and I’ll connect you. This content would need to go live during September. This is a great opportunity to chat with some amazing mums about creativity and then hype a grass roots project.

Scripts 💬

If you’re not sure how to describe the project you can borrow any of this text:

Entwined is an anthology that weaves together stories of creativity and motherhood. This is a grassroots project including 55 mothers who are painters, writers, potters, visual artists, musicians, poets, and multipassionates. The purpose of this project is to inspire mothers to pursue creativity in their own way.

Ember is an art journal companion. A variety of creative prompts (writing, observation, ideating, dreaming, and making) curated to help mothers to kindle their creative sparks.

You can support the project by preordering, donating a copy, or sharing on social media.

Click here to check it out!

Make it your own! For something more informal you might share:

My writing is included in this anthology of creativity and motherhood and I thought you might want to check it out!

You can support the project by preordering, donating a copy, or sharing on social media.


I’ve written a prompt for this art journal for mums! I thought you might want to check it out. You can support by preordering, donating a copy, or sharing on socials.


My friend is in this awesome anthology about creativity and motherhood! Check it out!


You’re free to use any of these images. Please tag me on Instagram (@sarahdshotts) so I can help amplify your post. You can also tag cover artists (@twiggyboyerart for Entwined) and (@anniekingstudios for Ember.) If you’re using on your blog just link directly to the crowdfunding campaign.

Some mock ups of Ember’s interior featuring visual art by Emily Jalinsky & Jocelyn Mathewes.

You are also welcome to embed the campaign video if you’d like.

Copy / paste this link:

Or share via Instagram.

Thanks so much!

Remember to claim your postcard once you’ve shared the project 3-4 times!