From the Compost Heap header. A pencil style illustration of a compost heap with flowers and plants growing around it. A bee buzzes by and a white rabbit hops by.

Am Writing: Mawd

Printed images for mood board in a pile on my desk including maps, trees, spirals, artifacts, hag stones, reflections, etc. My typewriter and antique keys are also on the table.
Printed images for mood board in a pile on my desk including maps, trees, spirals, artifacts, hag stones, reflections, etc. My typewriter and antique keys are also on the table.

Works in Progress

I’m currently in deep ideation and research mode for a fantasy novel.

I’ll keep notes on the process here.

The working title is Mawd for one of the characters (named after Lucy Maud Montgomery – author of Anne of Green Gables.)

Here’s a timelapse of the mood board I’m creating.

You can browse the virtual mood board and see image sources on

Find snippets of my research here and here.

I’ll be sharing more about my writing process over at The Writing Desk.