From the Compost Heap header. A pencil style illustration of a compost heap with flowers and plants growing around it. A bee buzzes by and a white rabbit hops by.
Vintage blue constellation map including Lupus the rabbit

I remember the moment I discovered kening zhu’s website.

I was taking a break from Substack and discovered

It followed a warren of rabbit holes chasing one link after another until I landed on kening’s homepage.

I won’t spoil the surprise for anyone who hasn’t been there, but I was filled with delight and curiosity and wonder.

When I set about to move webhosts I started recreating my minimalist artist’s gallery. But it didn’t feel right.

Serendipity (or magic) kening’s podcast episode Website as Cocoon waited in my podcast reader and was just what I needed to hear.

I pulled out my journal and started scribbling lists of places I wanted in my online world. I could still have an art gallery, but the rest of my site would expand to hold the whole of me. And, perhaps, the whole of you.

Vintage blue constellation map including Lupus the rabbit and other zodiac signs

I followed links to a constellation of other podcasts and blog posts from kening about websites and creative process.

It felt like connecting with kindred spirit over an endless pot of tea.

So grateful for the invitation to inhabit a dreaming space while I recreated my website.

Click here to tumble into kening’s world.

Cross Pollination 🐝