From the Compost Heap header. A pencil style illustration of a compost heap with flowers and plants growing around it. A bee buzzes by and a white rabbit hops by.
  • Draft no. 4

    Draft no. 4

    by John McPhee This book is half writing craft / half memoir. Here are some of his gem’s about writing. First, one of the graphs that inspired me to buy the book. I am fascinated how he thinks so visually about his structural process. (The book was second hand and dog eared when I bought […]

    Read more: Draft no. 4
  • Untitled post 156077294

    Notes on attention from Austin Kleon & Alan Jacobs.

    Read more: untitled post 156077294
  • Understanding Perfectionismby Austin Kleon Morgan Schafler says that perfectionists are people who “consistently notice the difference between an ideal and a reality,” and more often than not, have “a compulsion to bridge the gulf between reality and an ideal.” In her view, the perfectionist holds a kind of creative tension that contains an energy capable of creation […]

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