From the Compost Heap header. A pencil style illustration of a compost heap with flowers and plants growing around it. A bee buzzes by and a white rabbit hops by.
  • It's me, Sarah Shotts. Zine inside!

    It's me, Sarah Shotts. Zine inside!

    I made you a zine! Because The Medium is the Message I’ve given up weekly blogging and I’m making monthly zines instead. Here’s how it works. First, I noodle around with an idea. I type up a few notes on my phone and mull it over. I might browse to find some images or […]

    Read more: It's me, Sarah Shotts. Zine inside!
  • My Word for 2021

    My Word for 2021

    I didn’t choose a word last year. Or the year before that. I’ve been in a metaphorical hibernation since Davy was born. Snug and still even before 2020 locked us all down. These 18 months have been a time of dreaming and ideation. I have had more creative ideas during postpartum than any other time […]

    Read more: My Word for 2021