Ember Art Journal (Preorder)

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Ember Art Journal (Preorder)


This is a preorder. Books will be delivered after the editing and proofing process is complete.


Ember is an art journal companion to the Entwined anthology. It presents a variety of creative prompts (writing, observation, ideating, dreaming, and making) to help mothers to kindle their creative sparks.


Ember contributors include: Alexa Villanueva, Anong Migwans Beam, Autumn Fox, Bethany Howard, Christina Marshall, Claire Venus, Emily Perron, Faith Shaw, Hayley J. Dunlop, Joanna Wolfarth, Jocelyn Mathewes, Lauren Oakey, Lindsey Smith, Lisa Mabberly, Mariah Friend, Marisa Pahl, Marina Gross-Hoy, Mary Beth Keenan, Megan Driving Hawk, Natalie Ward, Odeta Xheka, Shelley Wallace, Sheree Mack, Susan Chiang, Vanessa Novissimo Wright, Zoe Gardiner, A. Westgate, Alexia Cameron Casiano, Amy Walsh, Catherine Fortey, Chanel Riggle, Ciara Froning, Claire MacKinnon, Daisy Thomasstone, Devon Bennet, Emma Carpendale, Erica Settino, Genevieve Beech, Grace Esteignhagen, Jordan Haley, Kati Overmier, Katie Gresham, Katherine Mills-Yatsko, Kayla Huszar, Lindsay Joseph, Lucy Beckley, Marissa Huber, Mindy Wara, Claudia Plata, Rebecca Potts, Tamsin Chennell, Melanie Webster & more.

Creative Team includes: Sarah Shotts, Annie King, Jessica Allowski, Jocelyn Mathewes, & Emily Jalinsky.


Click here to learn more about the project through our virtual book launch (blog posts, podcasts & more!)
