Click above to watch our video about How it Feels to Me.

(Would you benefit from the video transcript? Click here to read.)

We're both autistic! We are teaming up to write the book we wish we'd had as kids. 

How it Feels to Me is a picture book about neurodiversity for all ages. 

Why we're writing this book

Growing up neither of us realized we were autistic. But we knew we were different. And we thought it was our fault. We would like children and adults to learn about differences in sensory modulation to better understand themselves and each other. We also want to introduce possible sensory supports and model language for self advocacy.

We hope readers will take away an understanding that their sensory experience (and that of others) is valid. 

Our goals are...

  • Illustrate that brain experiences the world differently

  • Introduce the concept of sensory supports

  • Connect with neurodivergent and neurotypical audiences

  • Model simple scripts that can be used for self advocacy or advocating for others

What is sensory modulation?

Sensory modulation is the brain's automatic process of turning the intensity of senses up or down.

Without modulation you would sense every little thing at once and wouldn't be able to focus.

This is called overstimulation.

Sketchbook surrounded by materials. Pencil drawn face with wide eyes and jagged lines. Text reads: Without modulation you would sense every little thing at once and you wouldn't be able to focus. This is called overstimulation.

On the other hand you might not notice certain sensations because others are so intense.

Sensory modulation is the science behind our own unique way of experiencing the world.

Limited edition hardcover

If you love beautiful books you will want to preorder a limited edition hardcover. These preorders are helping us cover the costs of self publishing (as explained on Indiegogo). We have reached our initial funding goal. Additional preorders will allow us to print and donate more books.

This fully illustrated hardcover book will come with a signed bookplate.

We are starting with a limited run of 50-200 books after which time this edition will be retired. Small runs of hardcover books are costly and the price point does reflect that.

Full color hardcover books are costly to produce so we have decided to include the digital bundle with every preorder. You will also receive the ebook, audiobook, and printable workbook (a tool for kids and adults to illustrate their own sensory experiences.)

The final paperback edition of How it Feels to Me will be available worldwide. These will be available at a lower price point to help us reach as many readers as possible!

Preorders for paperback will take place at a later time. (Due to boring publishing details we can't take preorders for paperbacks right now.) 

If you don't need a copy of this book you can also support the project by choosing to donate your copy. Or you can choose to buy a copy for yourself and donate a second copy!

We will connect your donation to a library, school, or neurodivergent family.

Curious to know more about the creative team? Keep reading.

Sarah Shotts (author) is an interdisciplinary artist, author, and academic. She is author of Discover Your Creative Ecosystem and is currently exhibiting works from her series My Brain on Motherhood. Her writing is soon to be published in Ought: The Journal of Autistic Culture. Sarah earned a Masters degree in Applied Drama from Goldsmiths University of London. Her undergraduate studies included both Fine and Performing Arts at Mississippi University for Women (MUW.) Shotts is now an instructor of theatre at MUW where she have been teaching for ten years.

Gracie Klumpp (illustrator) Gracie is an autistic illustrator and writer who lives in an old Airstream, and never runs out of stories. She’s not always the best at talking about them—but that’s why she’s always creating them. Gracie studied Digital Media Arts: Animation at Huntington University, and has used her animation chops to inform her illustration work since graduating. From digital collage to real-life papercut, illustrated portraits and comics, to stop motion puppets, Gracie makes storytelling magic in all sorts of mediums, and doesn’t really mind which she uses so long as it serves the story best. In the past few years, she’s started making Polaroid prints of her work, written a novel by surprise, and won the Onward Grant to work on a graphic novel that may just turn out to be something bigger.

Limited edition hardcovers are printed in a small run and shipped out with care from Sarah's backyard studio. We can't compete on shipping costs from big companies, but we assure you that the delivery options available have been calculated at cost based on your location. This covers the postage and a rigid recyclable mailer to protect your book.

Additional charges may also be required for Hawaii and Alaska.

We will reach out via email if this is the case.

If you are an international backer you may prefer to wait until the paperback is available in your region.

I don't need a book. Can I donate my copy?

Yes! Choose the donate tier and we will connect your book with a library, school, or neurodivergent family.

I want to donate my book to my local library / kid’s school / another specific location. Can I do that?

Of course! When we confirm addresses we will ask anyone who donated a book if they would like to choose the location. We can ship the book directly to the school, library, or family or your choice. Or we can ship the book to you so that you can deliver it in person.

What age is this book for?

Every age! We believe everyone can take something away from this book. This book isn't an early reader, is great for reading aloud. Here is a peek at some of the text in our current draft: "All brains are different. Your brain is what makes you... you. It takes all the senses from the world around you and helps you understand them. But we each experience the world differently. This is called neurodiversity." We hope this book will prompt curiosity and discussion between readers of all ages.

My kids are not autistic or neurodivergent. Is this book for them?

Yes! This book will help all kids understand sensory processing, build empathy, and learn tools for advocacy.

When will the book be complete?

These are early preorders to help cover the costs of self publishing. The projected publication date is Summer of 2025. This is a long term project and we’ve given ourselves ample time to get it right. Because we are writing a book about supporting neurodivergent brains we are dedicated to supporting our own brains during the self publishing process. Some factors are outside of our control such as waiting for proof copies and product shipments. But we hope to get your books to you in 2025!

I don't want a reward. Can I donate to you directly?

Yes! You can also support this project by direct donation via Venmo (@sarahdshotts) or Paypal (

Please specify “Picture Book Support” if you want to support our project without receiving a book.

P.S. Shoutout to @tamtasticbooks @phaedrafidessa @marinagrosshoy @falbandemer and @nickinewellart for sharing clips of sensory joy for this video. Go give them all a follow on Insta!