From the Compost Heap header. A pencil style illustration of a compost heap with flowers and plants growing around it. A bee buzzes by and a white rabbit hops by.

Questions I’d like to explore… 🔬

Is it perfectionism or is it GCP?

Do we get stuck because we see the whole finished thing in our minds?

Is it executive function or is it GCP?

Do we struggle to find a way in because we are not sequential thinkers and seeing the whole is overwhelming?

Can Iteration be a tool?

The idea does not have to come out fully formed.

What about “rejection sensitivity?”

Could this be happening because we are reliving every rejection we’ve ever experienced? Does it also happen when we are already struggling with flaws (deviations from our internal gestalt) and someone points them out or criticizes it’s unbearable?

How can we rewrite our gestalts?

Can we make more space for imperfection, experimentation, iteration, and discovery?

I think I’ve done this with gardening and pottery and it’s all to do with who I learned those things from and how I think about them. Can I invite that sense of ease and curiosity into other pursuits?

Can we / HOW CAN WE rewrite our gestalts?

Cross Pollination 🐝

Find further research at #gestaltcognitiveprocessing.