On Tenterhooks

Sometime in the months after Davy was born I found myself saying I was “on tenterhooks” and realizing I had no idea what it meant.

A tenter is a frame with wicked looking tenterhooks that stretch cloth taut to make it flat.

Once I learned I knew it had to be a metaphor for a piece of art.

Suddenly the word was more accurate than ever with a new visceral understanding of what it meant.

This work is done indoors now, but you can still see holes like this on some bolts of cloth.

Soft Sculpture

This week I’ve also revived my soft sculpture. I started this two years ago, but put it away in favor of weaving (because it was more toddler friendly.) Last year I picked it up again, only to find Davy was still too curious about the needle, and put it down in favor of experiments with 360 VR.

Both times I made a few “brain noodles” before pivoting, but couldn’t gain any forward momentum. This week I’m finally gaining traction and I think I’m almost halfway done!

The final piece will be a sculptural brain made of Davy’s baby clothes (including his “coming home” onesie, the pair of pants he took his first step in, a maternity shirt of mine, baby washcloth, etc.) It will be a representation of the soft emotional memories I’ve made over these past few years of parenting.