Right now I’m fascinated by the clues that they were both neurodivergent.
Check out this quote about what sounds like shifting hyperfixations,
“When I first knew Morris nothing would content him but being a monk, and then he must be an architect, but when I came to London and began to paint, he threw it all up and must paint too, and then he must give it up and make poems, and then he must give it up and make window hangings and pretty things, and when he had achieved that he must be poet again, and then he must learn dyeing and lived in a vat and learned weaving and knew all about looms, and then made more books and learned tapestry, and then wanted to smash everything up and begin the world anew, and now it is printing he cares for and to make wonderful rich-looking books: and all things he does splendidly: and if he lives the printing will have an end, and he will do, I do't know what, but every minute will be alive?” Edward Burne-Jones (p. 6)
Also signs of hyperlexia (early self taught reading),
“He claimed that he learnt to read when he was little more than a toddler, and to have worked his way through Walter Scott’s novels by the time he was seven.” (p. 11)
Davy & I are both hyperlexic and seemingly Robert Jordan as well.
He’s also referred to as fidgety, struggling with spelling, and having outbursts that sound very much like meltdowns,
“boisterous mad outbursts and freaks, his uncontrolled body breaking the spell.'“ p. 33
“He was over-active, loud and bustling.” p. 91
I’ve also become fascinated by brass rubbing - a process of doing wax rubbings of engravings in churches. William Morris (WM) decorated his lodgings with these as he was fascinated by the medieval period. This knight is from a church in Oxford and likely part of Morris’ collection.